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Payment and Delivery

Delivery is made to any city in Turkey via Yurtici Cargo.

The courier brings the package to the specified address. But if no one receives the package during the visit, it will be stored for 5 days at the nearest post office.

When sending a package, we provide you with a tracking code that you can now see for yourself where your package is.
Call us if you have any problems, we will solve everything!


Payment is made online through the website.

Payment at the door is temporarily unavailable. To pay in another way, please write or call in our chat, WhatsApp. We will do our best for you!

Delivery is FREE for orders of 400 TL or more.


Return of goods is possible within 14 days from the date of purchase. Refunds are only possible if: the photo and video confirmation has a factory defect; the product does not correspond to the product ordered on the website (in terms of quantity, name, configuration or packaging); The product is unused and does not contain any traces of use.


According to the terms of Kodi Company's internal policy, if a factory defect is found immediately after opening the product (for example, no brush inside the bottle or damage).

If the product arrives for testing in an unsuitable condition after repeated use by the Buyer, Kodi Company reserves the right (after external review) not to refund the payment.


All Kodi devices are guaranteed for 3 to 6 months. The warranty is valid from the date of purchase of the device. If you have any problems with the device, please contact us. If the warranty is still valid, we'll take the device for inspection.
The package must be completed. In case of malfunction caused by the buyer's fault, the money is not refunded and the repair is carried out at the buyer's expense.

To register a return, contact us in any way convenient for you.

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